Koutsantonis and those diesel generators
The ALP and Greens are locking in gas
Can Australia hit its renewable energy targets?
A critique of Joëlle Gergis QE94: Highway to Hell
AI vs Q&A on nuclear waste
Dispatchability: Deception on demand
Scrutiny of energy transitions: is our media up to the job?
How the CSIRO and AEMO buried $200 billion of added renewable electricity costs
"Insiders" and anti-nuclear bias
Parliamentary inquiry into duck shooting; couldn't hit the side of a barn
Energy spin and the running of the bull(shit)
Duck hunting, sustainability and feeding the planet
Populist Quiz: Is Green The New Brown?
The right to care deeply about the climate while being utterly useless
The good liar
Safeguard mechanisms and climate bombs
Big Coal isn't as big as it used to be!
Gambling on the grid
It's the grid, stupid!
Merchants of doubt and merchants of fear